Jack's 1st Birthday

Jack Smash cake

Jack turns 1!

First birthday celebration for Jack consisted of bright colors, delicious treats and lot’s of Jack!

I didn’t want to commit to a theme for Jack’s birthday that didn’t make sense for him. He loved to run and play, but no specific toys or characters were his absolute favorite, so I decided to make the theme: Jack!

I had collected photos throughout the first year (there were quite a few to choose from) and had them printed through Shutterfly. P.S. - did you know if you download the Shutterfly app you can print unlimited 4”x6” or 4”x4” photos? I uploaded all black and white “Jack” heads and then just paid the shipping! I cut them out and then cut out little party hats from scrapbook paper. This was my pre-Cricut era, so make no mistake this was a labor of love!

Process work in progress birthday invitation sketch
Jack's 1st Birthday invitation

Jack’s first birthday invitation was the first birthday invitation I did for Ellywise. I mean, I’ve always designed friends/families parties, weddings etc, but this was the jumpstart to my current love for stationery! I started by sketching out Jack’s invitation with pencil and paper - I knew I wanted a lot of color and not necessarily only ‘boy’ colors. I remembered when I was pregnant with him that our Memphis Zoo’s hippo was pregnant with a baby (awww baby hippo!!!!). I remembered because I was like I FEEL YOU, GIRL. So, I guess I kind of associate Winnie the baby hippo’s birthday with Jack’s birthday!

For the party decor, his birthday matched up with the start of my balloon garland OBSESSION. Seriously, obsessed. I did color matching, extensive research and made about double the size I needed (not surprised - I always go way overboard on such things). I loved the balloon garland so much I made it the makeshift backdrop for his (very hot) smash cake session.

Smash cake session balloon garland

Smash Cake Session:

  • Highchair: Borrowed from my Mother-In-Law (it’s the chair my husband and sister-in-law also used)

  • Cake: Made by my Mom!

  • Outfit: Ok, I actually had totally forgotten that he should have clothes, so I just pulled a decently fun/neutral onesie from his closet that happened to be from Old Navy

Balloon Garland:

  • Balloons ordered from Party Haus on Etsy

  • Fishing Line

  • Large Needle

  • Handheld balloon pump from Walmart

  • 3M sticker hooks for hanging

I will start by reiterating I went waaaay overboard with the balloon quantity. I made sure to buy at least three different size balloons so you have those really nice sections of small clusters. Those little buggers are exactly why you need a handheld pump. The one I got was super cheap and didn’t do much, but I could NOT blow up those little ones! The handheld pump was a lifesaver!!

I started by blowing up all the balloons and then strung all the big ones in random order on the fishing line. I then went back and strung the little ones together in groups of two’s or three’s and left a long tail. I used the long tail to wrap around the balloon garland and tied it in a tight knot to secure. So easy!

Colorful birthday, balloon garland, smash cake session boy
Colorful birthday, balloon garland, smash cake session boy
Colorful birthday, balloon garland, smash cake session boy
Colorful first birthday, balloon garland
Colorful first birthday, sprinkle cookies, head cut outs, party hats
Colorful first birthday
Colorful first birthday, Rise biscuits breakfast, birthday boy head cut outs, party hats